Amaury and belgian pianist Igor Gehenot have been interviewed by Philippe Baron in his jazz line-up on RTBF - Musiq3 about their new duo. First concert will happen this Thursday, March 28th.
Amaury Faye Trio's Live In Brussels has been unanimously acclaimed by both the public and the medias. Here's three new reviews by french and belgian websites Citizen Jazz, Académie du Jazz and Larsen.
Amaury Faye Trio's performance at Jazz sur son 31 Festival in Toulouse last October 2018 has been reviewed by journalist Luke Seabright on american website All About Jazz.
"Live In Brussels" has been reviewed on daily Belgian national newspaper Le Soir - Le Mad, and it got 3 stars. Review written by Jean-Claude Vantroyen.
This Wednesday, December 19th at 22h Amaury will be interviewed on Philippe Baron's line up "Jazz" on RTBF - Musiq'3. Hewill present the trio's new album Live in Brussels (Hypnote Records - 2018) and anounce the live performance for France Musique this Saturday, December 22nd at Studio 104 - Radio France in Paris.
The Amaury Faye Trio will perform at Radio France - Studio 104 this December 22nd at 20h30 in Arnaud Merlin's line up "Jazz sur le Vif" on France Musique.
Next week, Giuseppe Millaci and his trio featuring Amaury Faye and belgian drummer Lionel Beuvens will go on a tour to Japan from Thursday, November 29th to Thursday, December 6th in support of their upcoming album, which will be recorded in December.